Get In Touch
286 Nguyen Xien st, Thanh Tri,
Ha Noi, Viet Nam,
Ph: +84.961.582.529

Our Projects

September 2, 2024

Scholarship Mentor Hub

We support customers to build websites that integrate online learning platforms, with a very short time to meet their launch date. Design illustrations for your website...

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Website Development

  • Client

    Scholarship Mentor Hub

  • Duration

    2 days

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August 1, 2024

We expeditiously crafted a visually appealing landing page for our client within a tight timeframe of two days. The initial version garnered favorable feedback from customers,...

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Website Development

  • Client

    Bucky Finance

  • Duration

    2 days

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April 1, 2024

Blomming Nail and Spa

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Website Development

  • Client

    Blomming Nail and Spa

  • Duration

    2 weeks

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October 19, 2023

ADDEvent Website Development

We reconstructed the website for ADDevent, adhering to the objective of establishing a distinctive and innovative brand image for the event agency, distinguishing it from other...

  • Strategy

    Design Direction, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client

    ADD Event

  • Duration

    2 week

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October 25, 2023 Landing Page

We expeditiously crafted a visually appealing landing page for our client within a tight timeframe of two days. The initial version garnered favorable feedback from customers,...

  • Design


  • Client


  • Duration

    2 Days

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October 25, 2023

Innovation Leader Forum

Our client has tasked us with the development of a website facilitating attendee registration for an upcoming event. Furthermore, businesses participating in the event can submit...

  • Strategy

    Database Restruture

  • Design


  • Duration

    3 Days

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February 10, 2023

Startup Listing Page

Providing consultancy services for developing database architecture and designing interfaces to showcase information for startups in Vietnam across various industry fields. Establishing efficient workflows for registered...

  • Strategy

    Database Structure

  • Design

    Website Design & Development

  • Client


  • Duration

    2 Weeks

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August 12, 2023

Temenos Forum Asia

We build a streamlined process so customers can easily update information on the website in real-time and simply.

  • Design

    Website Development

  • Duration

    1 Week

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July 15, 2022

Video Motion Graphic

Collaborate with clients to produce a series of promotional videos and introduce new products (lasting 1 year)

  • Design

    Motion Graphic

  • Client

    EMS Vietnam

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NFC Smart Contact Card

We build a smart personal card solution using NFC (Near-Field Communications) technology, helping customers easily share contact information and links to social networking sites.

  • Strategy

    User Experience, Brand Strategy

  • Design

    Card Design, WebApp, Landingpage

  • Client


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Temenos E-namecard

We build a smart personal card solution using NFC (Near-Field Communications) technology, helping customers easily share contact information and links to social networking sites.

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, WebApp Develoment

  • Duration

    2 Weeks

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