Get In Touch
286 Nguyen Xien st, Thanh Tri,
Ha Noi, Viet Nam,
Ph: +84.961.582.529


We expeditiously crafted a visually appealing landing page for our client within a tight timeframe of two days. The initial version garnered favorable feedback from customers,... Landing Page

We expeditiously crafted a visually appealing landing page for our client within a tight timeframe of two days. The initial version garnered favorable feedback from customers,...

Innovation Leader Forum

Our client has tasked us with the development of a website facilitating attendee registration for an upcoming event. Furthermore, businesses participating in the event can submit...

Temenos Forum Asia

We build a streamlined process so customers can easily update information on the website in real-time and simply.

NFC Smart Contact Card

We build a smart personal card solution using NFC (Near-Field Communications) technology, helping customers easily share contact information and links to social networking sites.

Temenos E-namecard

We build a smart personal card solution using NFC (Near-Field Communications) technology, helping customers easily share contact information and links to social networking sites.

August 1, 2024

We expeditiously crafted a visually appealing landing page for our client within a tight timeframe of two days. The initial version garnered favorable feedback from customers,...

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Website Development

  • Client

    Bucky Finance

  • Duration

    2 days

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October 25, 2023 Landing Page

We expeditiously crafted a visually appealing landing page for our client within a tight timeframe of two days. The initial version garnered favorable feedback from customers,...

  • Design


  • Client


  • Duration

    2 Days

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October 25, 2023

Innovation Leader Forum

Our client has tasked us with the development of a website facilitating attendee registration for an upcoming event. Furthermore, businesses participating in the event can submit...

  • Strategy

    Database Restruture

  • Design


  • Duration

    3 Days

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August 12, 2023

Temenos Forum Asia

We build a streamlined process so customers can easily update information on the website in real-time and simply.

  • Design

    Website Development

  • Duration

    1 Week

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NFC Smart Contact Card

We build a smart personal card solution using NFC (Near-Field Communications) technology, helping customers easily share contact information and links to social networking sites.

  • Strategy

    User Experience, Brand Strategy

  • Design

    Card Design, WebApp, Landingpage

  • Client


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Temenos E-namecard

We build a smart personal card solution using NFC (Near-Field Communications) technology, helping customers easily share contact information and links to social networking sites.

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, WebApp Develoment

  • Duration

    2 Weeks

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